Bookshelf: Homunculus & the Cat

61anQQ3Rj1L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The cat has no name, and she won’t get a name until she discovers a deeper iteration of her self that reveals it. She has nine lives.

Well, eight, after her death in Alexandria at the hands of a Japanese shikome demon sent to kill a homunculus, which assassination fails.

The homunculi are artificial people. Lacking natural gods in Gaia, an earth-of-all-mythologies, they seek godfriends in the hope that they might end up with an afterlife in an underworld anyway.  And the homunculi Herakles and Tyro, having offended the Japanese Yakuza by deserting from and sabotaging their fighting force, mostly hang out in the international sanctuary on Atlantis, where universal agreement protects them from their former bosses.

Only the sanctuary’s charter is up for a vote again, and this time the Yakuza — and other sinister forces — are determined to end the safe zone.

Homunculus & the Cat is sometimes wry but always funny, inventive, irreverent, and action-packed.  If you like Robert Asprin and Jody Lynn Nye’s Myth books or Piers Anthony’s Xanth, this is for you.

About David

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