Bookshelf: Mythos and Cosmos

51ImFtIjTCL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_John Lundwall’s Mythos and Cosmos stands in a line of brilliant and essential books that pierce through the fog of modernity to ask the question: what were our ancestors thinking?

In particular, Lundwall examines the connections among mythology, liturgy, and astronomy in the context of oral culture. He explicates myth as a vehicle for narrating the stars as initiatory maps that gave human life meaning and oriented us towards the larger universe, connecting the microcosm and the macrocosm in the primordial unity captured in the words “as above, so below.” On the way, he sheds new light on such perennial favorites as Herakles and Gilgamesh.

If you enjoy the insights of such thinkers as Joseph Campbell, Giorgio de Santillana, Frances Yates, Mircea Eliade, C.G. Jung, and Jane Ellen Harrison, or if you are simply interested in a different perspective on what was really going on with ancient mythology before Rick Riordan and the D’Aulaires got their hands on it, this book is for you.

About David

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