Bookshelf: A Cloak of Frost

518lD0bXHSL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_One day the North Wind delivers a baby to a baker and his wife. They love the child without giving her a name, and mostly the village of Snelling-on-the-Oak accepts her… mostly. But the child is magical. She builds homes for fairy folk and tells herself stories that for her become real, and mysterious crowns are delivered to her foster parents. And one day the North Wind comes back to warn her that, for her family’s sake, she must leave Snelling-on-the-Oak. The girl refuses, and shortly thereafter the magical talent that had always been visible only to her manifests itself to the entire village. The North Wind returns, and with sorrow in her heart the girl leaves home to find her destiny and her name.

In her new book, A Cloak of Frost, Leafty launches a new series in the same setting as her excellent Fairy Godmother books. She continues to display her own magical storytelling gift and her lilting once-upon-a-time narrative voice, in a tale sure to please fairy-tale readers of all ages.

About David

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