Bookshelf: The Nymphos of Rocky Flats

41NNq7SIeML._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The Nymphos of Rocky Flats is the only vampire novel ever de-classified by the Department of Energy. In looking at the Amazon reviews as I write this, I see a few complaints about the title. I’m not sure why — the title gets straight to the point.

Nymphos begins the story of Felix Gomez, soldier, private detective… vampire. Felix doesn’t want to be a vampire, and studiously drinks animal blood rather than human, despite the loss of power that causes him.

That marginal loss of power just might undo him, as Felix is hired to investigate an outbreak of nymphomania at the Department of Energy’s site at Rocky Flats. If wild women weren’t enough, Felix finds himself caught between Romanian vampire hunters, an aggressive dryad, traditional vampire lords who want to push him away from the last vestiges of his humanity, and even… just maybe… UFOs.

And all Felix wants is forgiveness.

This is not a book for children. But if you like your vampires less romantic and shiny, and more randy, wisecracking, and armed, this might be the book for you.

About David

I'm a writer. This is my blog.
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