Bookshelf: Residue

51Vj2GSVE9L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_Teenaged Jack Bishop sees the psychic residue left behind murders and monsters. His gift kicks in for the first time exactly when needed—upon the mysterious disappearance of his father, head of security at the mysterious Helix Corporation.

Investigating his dad’s disappearance thrusts Jack into a surprising world of genetic manipulation, cruel experiments, corporate rivalry, and the melding of high science and the paranormal. It also tangles him up with Alex Courtney, fellow teenager, mindreader, and employee of Jack’s dad. But the stakes really hit the roof when a mysterious corporate Insider, who can turn Helix’s security systems off at will and who stays always beyond Alex’s reach, reveals to Jack that he and his abilities are the prize that Helix and its rivals are fighting over.

Residue is a YA horror-adventure story in the mold of the X-Files or Dan Wells’s John Cleaver books. Steve Diamond’s novel debut announces him as a force to be reckoned with, and a writer to watch.

About David

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